Exercise in the convenience of your home

This is a study to help you overcome your mobility limitations and provides all the technology and equipment needed to exercise without leaving home

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SMART-HEALTH is a home-based exercise training system designed to improve fitness and function in people with a spinal cord injury

The SMART-HEALTH project aims to evaluate a home-based exercise training system for its effectiveness at increasing and maintaining physical activity among people with a spinal cord injury. The program includes exercise videos and content to support physical activity behavior all on a tablet app. This project is seeking individuals with traumatic spinal cord injury. The project requires:

  • WiFi at home
  • Completing Surveys
  • Virtual fitness assessment
  • Willingness to participate for 12 weeks
  • Over 18 years of age


More details about SMART-HEALTH

What does SMART-HEALTH stand for?

SUPERHEALTH stands for Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial to Home Exercise And Lifestyle TeleHealth 

How long is the exercise program?

The SMART-HEALTH project delivers a 12-week exercise program aimed to steadily increase physical activity level and self-reliance over that period. The 12 weeks will include weekly exercise videos and supporting content, and is designed to start with simple movements with routines that increase in intensity and duration.

What type of exercise program is included?

Movement-2-Music (M2M) is a structured rhythmic movement program specifically designed to target range of motion, muscle strength, cardiorespiratory endurance, and balance. All routines are designed with adapted tempos and movements.

How is the program adapted for me?

This program provides exercises made just for your abilities. Whether you use a wheelchair, have difficulty standing, able to only use one side of the body, or able to stand while exercising, the SMART-HEALTH project offers the exercise routines needed. At the screening, you will be assessed for which category you fall under and the appropriate exercise routines will be programmed.

Are there different groups?

Every participant will be assigned to the M2M program. In the middle of the program, there is an opportunity to be randomly switched to a new feature of the program to improve program participation.

What type of exercise equipment will be used?

Participants  will be given a Fitbit to track their activity and a Chromebook to view content. If all of the required visits and surveys are completed, the Chromebook and Fitbit will be yours to keep.

Facts about Disability and Physical Activity

The SMART-HEALTH Project aims to:

See what others are saying


Right about now the Super Health program is one of the best health programs available in this difficult time. I can still move my body at a healthy pace, with an instructor, and workout without worrying about coming in contact or passing on germs. I’m home, in contact with people and enjoying working out anytime I choose. Thank you all for your time and continued support to a community of people who would have been inactive and left out. I am still recommending this program to people who need exercise.
Janice, 62 years old Diagnosed with arthritis
I had a hard time after my diagnosis seeing myself as a person with a disability. The most positive experience with exercise as a person with a disability was when my physical therapist explained the reasons behind the difficulty I sometimes had in walking and how I could best address each issue with specific stretches and strengthening exercises. As someone who enjoys both music and dancing, M2M has been more fun than any other exercise program I have done in my adult life. Daily tasks such as unloading the dishwasher and walking the dog have become easier as I feel that my coordination, balance and strength have improved.
Katherine, 41 years old Diagnosed with MS
M2M stopped me from lying around the house. At first it was a challenge but then I looked forward to it, and then I got stronger.
Maria, 56 years old Diagnosed with a stroke
My physical activity is getting better and better every day, especially in my walking and balance while standing. I’m not having the falls like I used to have.
Damian, 47 years old Diagnosed with MS


Want to be a part of SMART-HEALTH?

Thank you for your interest, this study is currently recruiting.

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